Privacy Preferences Center

Manage your privacy choices

Pursuant to privacy laws in the U.S., E.U., People’s Republic of China, Brazil, and elsewhere–including the E.U. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), Brazil General Data Protection Law (LGPD), and other applicable laws and regulations–individuals resident in these countries and other jurisdictions may have certain privacy rights providing that they may request to access, delete, correct, remove, limit the use, or receive a copy of their personal information that H1 Insights processes. If you are such an individual, you may use the form below to contact us about exercising these rights.

Please also read our Privacy Policy here for information about our data collection practices and the privacy rights that may be available to you.

Privacy Preferences

Below, we have summarized the mechanisms we provide to thought leaders, experts, and other individuals whose personal information we process in connection with the H1 Insights platform and data licensing services.

If you are making this request on the behalf of another person, please email us at [email protected].

Please provide the following information so we can identify you and update your privacy preferences.

(e.g. your faculty listing at your institution)
(e.g. Professor, Head of Oncology)

Select your privacy preferences

Stop processing my contact data
Delete my data
Provide a summary of my personal data held by H1

For more information about how we use your personal information, or for queries on how to exercise your rights, please review the section in our Privacy Policy titled “Your Rights.” or contact us at [email protected].